28 Feb 2011



When I have faith I am never discouraged by temporary failure, but am able to have the courage to move on towards success. I have constantly the satisfaction of giving my best. Because of my commitment and sincere effort, I find that situations and people too cooperate with me, bringing me success in whatever I undertake.
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27 Feb 2011



Humility means there is no expectation of being perfect always. So whatever is done comes naturally. There is no feeling of threat about others' opinion, but the one who is humble is able to express inner talent without any fear and expectations.  So humility takes one forward towards excellence.
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I treat others as I would want to be treated. By taking time to reflect on my highest principles before I act and make decisions, I maintain my dignity and am held in high esteem by others.

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25 Feb 2011



Simplicity is free from the complications of waste questions, doubts and expectations. The one who is simple is naturally accurate and inspiring in his actions. He is able to understand the demands of the environment and mould himself accordingly, so he himself has no demands. And he is able to move forward to his satisfaction.
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23 Feb 2011

Try the best


Even when the situation is not according to what is expected, there is contentment for the one who has faith in his own progress.  Such a person will not just sit back waiting for things to change nor will he just curse his fate.  Instead he'll do his best and use all his resources in bettering the situation.
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22 Feb 2011



We usually wait for the world to change, sometimes the world at large and sometimes our own little world. Since it is not in our hands we don't find it changing according to what we want and we give up trying. We rarely think of changing ourselves which is possible.
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21 Feb 2011



We need to recognize the fact that no one or nothing can force us to do something that we do not want to do. Each and everything we do is our own choice and we are responsible for it. When we take up the responsibility in this way, we will not only be free from waste questions and doubts but will also be able to mould our thoughts, words and actions in the right way.
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What we need to do in order to win over our weakness is to change our focus. Instead of thinking about the weakness, we only need to think, "I am not perfect yet, but I am working towards it and I am slowly improving." With such positive thoughts, our negativity will finish.
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20 Feb 2011

Power to face


To be good with those who are good is quite natural, but to be good with those who are bad is known as having the power to face. This naturally comes when there is the power to transform even that which in negative into something positive. When there is the power to face, there is no retaliation, no conflict. There is love given to all around.
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18 Feb 2011

Free mind


When I keep my mind free from waste questions, I am able to be alert and find the right answer to every problem. I have the confidence and I know that every problem has a solution. When I keep my mind in the present by freeing myself of waste questions, I am able to quickly and easily find the solution and find myself
moving towards success even in all challenging situations.
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Temporary failures, challenges or difficult situations don't bother me, when I have the aim of being victorious. My only focus would be to attain victory and I would experience victory both in defeat and in victory. Also I will never consider myself to be alone as I continue to receive help. I would naturally experience the support and companionship of those around me.
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16 Feb 2011



When I am courageous in difficult situations, I don't have any complaints for whatever is happening. I am also not caught up with the past. On the other hand, I am able to constantly use the present moment and move forward towards the future. My vision becomes clear and I am able to bring about quick and easy change.
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15 Feb 2011



We need to learn the art of looking at the brighter side of things, because even the most negative thing has something positive in it. When we develop this art we will be able to be light and give our best to the task at hand. Then even the most difficult task will seem very easy.
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14 Feb 2011

Positive Habits


Just as it has become a habit of thinking negative, a positive habit when created will naturally bring about a change. A little practice and attention to form a habit of thinking positive will reveal its result of creating an influence of positivity. The situations will not change on their own, but the habit that has
been formed will bring about a change in the response and will change the situation too.
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13 Feb 2011

Learning attitude


When I am able to be open to criticism as a child, I am able to learn from it. I am able to gain further mastery without being troubled by ego. My learning would never be blocked by what other people think or feel. Instead
I am able to experience constant progress and sure success.
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12 Feb 2011



A long time of practice of maintaining inner self-respect is what will help us in a difficult situation. To maintain self-respect means to understand and appreciate our own uniqueness. With this practice of self-respect we will not be dependent on the external situation but will find the strength within.
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11 Feb 2011



We need to check ourselves whenever we are involved in a task if what we are doing is effecting others positively or negatively. Whatever we do, only if there is benefit for us as well as for others, can we call it truly successful.
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desire to change


Instead of bringing about change as required, if I continue to blame others, I will continue to try to escape from that situation. But if I do so, I find that the same difficulty will occur either with someone else or in some other situation. The easiest thing for me is to change myself. When I have the desire to do so, I find it easily happening and I find help coming from outside also.
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9 Feb 2011



The one who is open to the ideas of others is the one who is able to learn from everything. He is humble and has respect for all. He has the authority over what he does, he is the master and is yet open to learning.
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8 Feb 2011



We need to understand and develop the faith that behind everything seemingly negative there is something positive. It is up to us whether we want to see positive in negative or negative in positive and be influenced accordingly.
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7 Feb 2011



When there is fear, there is some kind of danger, either for the self or for others. The one who fears, or the one who doesn't have the courage to accept and face situations, is not able to bring out the best form within himself. Such a person is constantly thinking of excuses and is trying to blame others for the  mistakes that happen.
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6 Feb 2011



When I am able to bring newness in the way I do things, I am able to experience constant progress. There will also be the satisfaction of bringing about newness and creativity even in ordinary actions. Along with this will also be the satisfaction of making a contribution in every action of mine.
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5 Feb 2011



Life means change, movement and growth. When the storms of change and inconstancy are swirling all around us we need an inner eye of stillness and stability. This will give the inner strength to cope with the new and different situations that come to us and allow clear-decision making and powerful thoughts. Anchored in the eternal and unchanging truths of spirituality, we need not resist change but can embrace it. It can offer a sign of the times and a wake-up call.

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4 Feb 2011

The recipe for success


Here is the four step formula for success that will work for anything you want to accomplish.

  1. Determine your outcome - You must make a decision. You must decide on what you want. If you don't get clear on where you're going, the chances of your getting there are rather slim.
    "Begin with the end in mind."
    -Stephen Covey

  2. Take action - You must make a second decision and decide to make a change. Many of us will not do this due to fear. Don't fall into that trap. Decide to act anyway.
  3. Notice what is working - Know what results you're getting. Continue to monitor your results and adjust your actions if needed in order to get the results you want.
  4. Choose a role model - Accelerate your progress towards success by modeling those who are already successful. It's much easier to copy what someone else has already done. What's even better, is you can then improve upon what someone has done and achieve better results, often in a shorter period of time.
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2 Feb 2011

Recipe for Happiness


  • Take twelve whole months, cleaning them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate and jealousy.
    Make tham just as fresh and clean as possible.

  • Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty or thirty-one different parts, but don't make the whole batch at once.
    Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.

  • Mix into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage and one part of work.

  • Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and meditation and one good deed.

  • Season the whole with a dadh of good spirits, a sprinke of fun, a pinch of plan and a cupful of good humour.

  • Pour all of this into a vessel of love.

  • Cook thoroughly over radiant joy.

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